When they say P2 is no longer a honeymoon period, you've got to believe. Weekly spellings, homeworks, both online & given ones, tests, assessments, projects, it is never ending.
Lionel had just done his Maths test yesterday, has English spelling today & then, Chinese test tomorrow, Show & Tell on Friday....omg.
We have just managed to complete the recent "homework" given by MOE Excel Fest on a written topic: Every School A Good School Contest. Lionel got to write on why he love his school. His teacher downloaded some photos taken at the recent school trip to GBB (Gardens By The Bay) of which Lionel got to choose one & attached along with his story. And this is emailed to MOE via the Google Apps under Mconline.

Next, Lionel has been asked to enrol into a Chinese Writing Competition organized by Fo Guang Shan(S). This competition is open to all levels from primary to JC/Poly students & any kind of writing tools from a normal pencil, a marker or even tree branches are allowed. You can choose any of the following passage(s) to copy ( I cropped out a few below ) & submit to Fo Guang Shan by 13 March 2013. About 20 - 50 participants will be chosen (& notified by post) from each category to compete against each other at Fo Guang Shan itself on 13 April 2013. For the primary school category, 1st prize of $200 cash, vouchers & a certificate will be given.
But the competition topic will only be given at the grounds & all participants are to prepare their own writing materials.
Lionel claimes that this is not his best hand writing...haha.
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