Saturday 26 October 2013

Children's Day Celebration & Dialogue

13 October 2013 (Sun):

A Children's Day cum Dialogue session was held in Chong Pang neighbourhood & everyone was invited to food & games. The kids registered for a colouring contest, hoping to win prizes. There were balloon scuplturing & a talk by Mr K. Shanmugam.

The centre stage

Lionel, Thyron & Rachel coloured as fast as possible becos all colouring sheets will have to be submitted by 5.15pm. It was already 4.45pm

But of cos, we had time for one or two photo shots :P

Balloon scuplturing which the children requested - a little poodle & 2 rifles.

" The VIP arrives & shook hands with the residents; as many as possible. :)

Giving a little speech on plans he have for the Nee Soon community.

Having fun.

Rachel was delighted to have won the 5th prize for category 6 years & below in the colouring contest.

Having fun, laughter & yelling for parents to help.

I remembered the kids were supposed to look for any pictures on Barney, be it on a bag, water bottle or shoes. Guess what? All the parents actually searched for the pictures online instead, using handphones thru Google or FB. Haha... The adults were more excited than the kids.

Lionel won the grand prize ( a FILA Sports Duffle bag worth $59.90 - the price tag was not even removed) when he showed what was asked for : an orange in colour Singapore currency note. Daddy has it & Lionel waved excitedly; right up the compere's face.... hahahaha...

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