Saturday 9 April 2016

Filming - 星期二特写 Tuesday Report

09 Apr 2016 (Sat):

The night before, the kids told me very enthusiastically that someone would be filming at the shop.
I was wondering which celebrity was coming.

Turned out it was " Tuesday Report" - 星期二特写 doing the filming. This must be one of those few episodes reporting on the very old shops that still remains in this modern day society. 

So they were there since 6am on the morning, filming, recording, taking down notes and interviewing. The kids were being "filmed" on their daily routines at the shop - homework, meals and even nap time. 

We were told the air time would be around July. So folks stay tune. Not sure what would be edited, what would be shown: :P

Interviewing some of the old folks who would pop by for a cup of coffee and chit chat every now and then.  Some of them were from the very same kampong as my in laws.

The kids doing their homework and revision. Wink! " Cannot look at the camera ah.. be serious.. dun laugh ah... " the cameraman told the kids. Haha.

Here is an epic shot of Lionel pretending to be asleep. The kids were seen sleeping at the shop since their infancy and toddler times. Asking the big boy to pretend play, Lionel was more than willing. But he would try to open his eyes just a little to see the camera staring right back at him.. LOL.

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