Wednesday 9 January 2013

A New Schedule Proposed...

09 Jan 2013 (Wed):

2nd week of school since school reopened on the 02 Jan 2013.

Since Fri, 04 Jan, Daddy has been ferrying Lionel to school every morning. We would have to leave the house at 7.30am (if possible) since Lionel has to be in school by 7.45am. But we would usually leave home later than 7.30am... :P

Rachel & myself would follow along & we would have breakfast together after dropping off Lionel at his school. Not to worry, the kids would have their breakfast at home already.  Rachel would just pinch bits & pieces from Daddy & Mummy on whatever we were having. :)

Mummy here woke up at 630am ( sometimes getting a shut eye for another 10mins..opps) & prepared their breakfast. Woke them up & while they were having their breakfast, Mummy would shower & changed. And since i do not start work till 10am, i have some spare time after our breakfast for a little bonding time with Rachel at my ils' shop.

This would be our new daily schedule unless Daddy has something on, then Mummy would then be the one to send Lionel to school. Some of you may be wondering why Rachel needs to wake up this early as well since she's in the PM session for K2. Well, we like to get her into the habit of waking up early as she will be in P1 next year & that will be the AM session.

So far, no given homework & no spelling list yet. Lessons schedule has been given out & again, each subject would be for a min of 2 periods & would stretch to 4 periods on certain days. And yes, Daddy has increase Lionel's pocket allowance to $10/week as Lionel needs to have lunch in school on every Mon & Tues. Lessons will only end at 230pm on these 2 days.

For last week, since its only 3 days of school, Daddy gave Lionel $6 & he managed to save $2.50. The other $3.50 were used for ordering the name tags. He did not buy food during recess as he requested to have bread packed for his recess.

Let's see how much can Lionel save every week with $10 allowance given.

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